This is our Frequently Asked Questions section where
you can quickly find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions
regarding domain names.
General questions
If you cannot find the answer(s) to your question(s) here, please email and a Support Team representative will contact you (usually within 24 hours).
General questions 
Who can reseller a .mn domain?
Anyone, from businesses to organizations to individuals, can be a reseller for .mn domains. You don't need to be a Mongolian resident, or, if you operate a business, it needn't be based in Mongolia.
Will my .mn domain name work from anywhere?
Yes. Names on .mn work in the same way as .com names: they can be accessed from anywhere in the world and all the DNS name servers on the planet treat a .mn domain in the same manner as a .com name. There are several secondary servers in North America, Europe and Asia that support .mn worldwide and guarantee the speed and reliability of your domain name.
How much does .mn cost?
All Domain names can be registered for a 1-10 years term at US$49.95/year. There is no application fee for a new Domain name.
The annual fee covers maintenance and specific updates to your information and the domain name.
Updates that are not covered are: Changes to the domain name itself; transfers of the domain name to another party; changes in the organization's information that in effect represent a transfer of the domain name to another legal entity. These actions are not considered updates and require a new registration to be processed, which will be subject to a new registration fee.
When you are a reseller for domain names you buy a service and acquire an annual license to this domain name. Therefore you cannot buy a domain name or view it as your property.
What payment methods are available for domain name registration and renewals?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Dinners and JCB card. Our web page supports SSL and encrypts the transmission of your credit card data, which is not retained at our site after billing.
Does MN Domain Registry have a WHOIS database ?
Yes. If a domain name has been registered, WHOIS information is accessible as part of the search result for checking domain name availability. This data is to be used only for lawful purposes and under no circumstances, should be used for mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via email (spam).
What are the valid characters and valid lengths for .mn domain names?
MN names can contain the English-language letters A through Z, and the digits 0 through 9. You can also use hyphens, but your domain name cannot begin or end with a hyphen. Spaces and special characters (such as !, $,_, &, and so on) are not permitted. The minimum length is 3 characters, and the maximum length is 63 characters (excluding "http://www" and ".mn").
Support questions 
How do I activate my domain name ?
Once we've received payment for your domain name and notified you, go to the Manage Account section. You'll be taken to a page on our site where you can enter your DNS information. This information will then be updated within 24 hours, at which time your domain name will be activated.
How long is the registration term for a .mn domain name?
We offer registration for .mn domain names from 1 to 10 years terms.
What is DNS ?
DNS is an acronym that stands for Domain Name System. The DNS information for your domain/Web server is usually managed by your Internet service provider (ISP) and/or your Web hosting service. Complete DNS records include primary and secondary name servers, plus their associated Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. As this can be confusing, we recommend you contact your ISP or Web hosting service provider for additional information.
How can I find out the status of my account ?
Click on the 'Manage Account' menu. Log in by entering your customer handle and password, and you'll be able to access information about the domain names you have registered, your contact and address information, and DNS details.
How do I transfer a domain name from one owner to another ?
To transfer a domain name the current owner must first create a transfer key. The new owner uses that key to re-register the domain in their name. Domain name transfers are considered new registrations.
DO NOT give away your master password as a method of transferring domain names --- this will result in reassigning the ownership of ALL of the domain names registered under that customer account!
If you would like to have a transfer key for a domain name, go to Domain transfer section.
What does the Renewal date mean?
The renewal date given on the WHOIS is the next date on which the domain name is due to be renewed (i.e. one year after the original registration or last renewal was made). A renewal fee must be paid before a domain name can be renewed.
The renewal date will be updated once MNDR has been paid for the domain name renewal. At this point, the listing will be changed to show the date on which the domain name is next due for renewal.
Is there a refund if I misspell my domain name or simply do not want it anymore?
In short, no. Service is rendered the moment we reseller the domain name for you. The domain name registry does not allow for refunds, and therefore we cannot. It is imperative you double check your spelling of the domain name(s) you want to make sure they are spelled the exactly the way you want. We cannot correct misspellings. In the event of a spelling error, and you want the domain name spelled correctly (presuming it is available), you will need to reseller that name as well.
Payment questions
Why is my credit card being rejected or denied during the registration process ?
For information about why your credit card was declined or rejected, please contact your bank or credit card vendor. In the meantime, we recommend trying to reseller the domain name using a different card.
When and where are renewal notification email messages sent for expiring domain names?
The domain name renewal notification email messages are sent at least 30 days before the domain name is set to expire. These renewal notifications will be sent to the billing or administrative contacts on file for your domain name. Note: Please be sure that the Contact Information associated with your domain name is kept up-to-date. Contact Information for the registrar, can be updated using Manage Account.
My domain is almost up for renewal, where to go to pay on your site?
You can renew your domain name in the 'Manage account' section at any time during your current registration term. You do not have to wait until your registration term is up to renew your domain name.
For what length of time can I renew my domain name?
You may select to renew for 1, 2, 5 or 10 years. You can save time and money by renewing your domain name for multiple years!
What happens to expired names ?
Registered owners of names are sent email warning them that their name registration is about to expire, and detailing how to renew the name. 30 days after expiration, names which have not been renewed are once again made available for registration on a first-pay first-served basis.
What is the typical lifecycle of a domain name?
A typical domain lifecycle is shown in the figure below:
More FAQs
What is your policy on trademark issues ?
All names, except for some that are reserved, are available on a first-paid, first-served basis. If you are trying to reseller a name and find that it has been reserved, please send an email to with your specific questions or needs. In the case of a dispute between domain name registrants concerning the rights to a particular domain name, we will have no role or responsibility other than to provide contact information to the two parties. The registration of a domain name does not have any trademark status, and it is up to the registrant to ensure he/she is not violating anyone's trademark.
What happens if you receive complaints about spamming?
If we receive complaints that a .mn domain name has been used for sending unsolicited bulk email or excessive usenet postings (spamming), this constitutes theft of service, and we will advise the domain owner to desist from this activity. We reserve the right to revoke any .mn name registration if that domain is used as a source of spam, or any address that receives replies to such bulk mail solicitations.
Is a signed agreement required and where can I get it?
We have the registration policies on our web site. These registration policies represent a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity), as an end user, and Registry. By using this site, you agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions stated in these registration policies. If you need a registration agreement, simply email us and we will send it to you by mail.
Will my name and contact information be publicly available?
Yes. The information that you provide on the registration form (except for your secure payment information) is publicly available on the whois site. This information has been deemed necessary to facilitate the enforcement of consumer protection, trademark issues and other laws and technical problems and allows for rapid resolution of these problems.
Is there a charge to make changes and point my domain name to my ISP?
No, we do not charge you to modify most of your domain name information. You can change ISP's and DNS information or any other domain name administrative or/and billing contact information (email, phone number, etc.) any time at NO CHARGE.
Updates that are charged are: changes to the domain name itself; transfers of the domain name to another party; changes in the organization's information that in effect represent a transfer of the domain name to another legal entity. These actions are not considered updates and require a new registration to be processed.